Book Challenge Instructions

Welcome to the Deposit Free Library
2024 Summer Book Challenge!
June 17-August 3
Here’s what you need to do:

1. Figure out the number of books you think you want to read during the 7 weeks of Summer Reading

2. Fill out the registration form and get it to the library.

3. Read often and keep your tracking sheet handy so you can update it whenever you finish a book.

4. When you’re finished with your goal you can keep going if you still have time. Just make sure you give your tally sheet to the library by August 3!

5. Even if you can’t complete your goal (we understand that things can happen!) make sure you hand in your tally sheet. There are prizes for finishing and there are prizes for participating!

6. Also: Check in often so you don’t miss any of the special activities, Take it/Make it activities and Scavenger Hunts we have planned for this summer!

7. AND: check our Facebook page/website and the Deposit Courier to see when we have in-person and virtual story times and other programs.

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