Summer Wrap-Up

Another year…another successful Summer Reading Program!  We had a wonderful time with all of the kids and adults who took advantage of our special programming.  Why do we say it was a big success?  Here are some stats:  36 children and teens completed the Summer Reading Challenge.  They recorded a whopping 1,201 books read.  16 adults also took the challenge and recorded 218 books.  That’s a lot of reading!

Our summer dance camp offered 11 free classes with a total attendance of 209 people.   Story Times and Monday Club were well-attended.  Lego Club was expanded to two times amonth for the summer.  And we finished the summer with a lively performance by Jim Cruise the Spoon Man, attended by 88 people.  Whew!  We’re tired!  But we certainly proved that our library ROCKED this summer!

Monday Club for Teens and Tweens

If your kids are too old for Story Time, what can they do at the library?  This summer the answer to that question is to join the Monday Club.  It’s open to all children aged 9-16 and centers around a variety of activities.  The first meeting was held on July 9th.  Participants painted rocks to place around the community.  Each rock has directions to return it to the library, where the finders will be given a choice of a free book!

Monday Club will meet each Monday at 1:00 for the next five weeks.  Next week local photographer Mike Musante will demonstrate techniques for taking better pictures.  Puppetry, bell choirs, and playing with food are all in store for the upcoming weeks.  If you have a bored teen or tween at home this summer, give the club a try!

Free Dance Camp July 17-18

Our Dance Camp was so popular last summer that we are bringing it back!  Dance instructor / choreographer Beth Hesch will return to Deposit for two days of musical dancing fun.  And it’s FREE!  Classes will be offered for children aged 2-14.  Plans call for the following:  Creative Movement for 2-4 year-olds, Twinkletoes Class for ages 5-7, Fancy Feet Class for ages 8-10, and Future Stars Class for ages 11-14.  There will also be a special session for parents and their children on Tuesday evening, July 17.  All classes will be held at the State Theatre across the street from the library.

You don’t need to have any dance experience to join these classes.  All you need are enthusiasm, energy, and a desire to have fun dancing!  Pre-registration is required.  Classes are filling quickly.  Come to the library today to sign up.  Let’s Rock!

Lumberjack Festival Book Sale July 19-21

It’s that time of year again!  Every third weekend in July Deposit celebrates the annual Lumberjack Festival, and the library holds a three-day book sale.  Now is your chance to stock up on summer reading at bargain prices!  Most hardcover books will cost $1.00, while paperbacks will go for 50 cents.  There will be books for all ages and lovers of all different genres.  Mysteries, romances, non-fiction, and more.  Take your time looking for your favorite author, or try someone new.  There will also be a limited number of older (pre-1940) titles for antique / vintage buffs.

The sale will be held on Thursday, July 19 through Saturday, July 21.  Sales begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m. each day.  Look for us under the tents on the library lawn.  We’ll see you there!

Register Now for the Summer Reading Challenge!

The annual Summer Reading Challenge has begun!  Sign up today and choose a number of books for your goal.  How many can you read before the ending date of August 15th?  5….10….20….or more?  You decide and fill out a registration form.  Take a tracking sheet home and record the titles of books you read.  Bring it back to the library each week so we can track your progress.  When you meet your goal, you are eligible for prizes! There are weekly raffles for kids and adults 🙂

Please note that this challenge is open to all who love reading – whether you are 8 months old and your parents read to you – or 80 years old and still love a good book!  Take the challenge and READ this summer.

Our Website is Changing

We are in the process of updating and revising our website.  Please note the new feature added to the right-hand column.  Patrons can use this to search the 4cls catalog and check the status of their accounts.  As we continue to add features, we hope to make the website more informative and user-friendly.  Watch for more changes in the near future!

Toddler Time Programs Every Wednesday Morning

Toddler Time meets every Wednesday at 10 a.m.  All children aged 2-4 and their parents or caregivers are welcome to come.  We read stories, sing songs, and have supervised and free play.  It’s a great opportunity to introduce your little ones to the library and to have them interact with their peers.  Join the fun!  For more information, call the library at 607-467-2577.Toddler Time 005

Dinosaur Dig at State Theater on August 17th

Who doesn’t love dinosaurs?  These prehistoric creatures are an endless source of fascination for most children, as well as many adults.  If you are one of these people, you won’t want to miss the family program being presented at the State Theater on Thursday, August 17th.  Entitled “Dinosaur Dig”, it is the brainchild of field paleontologists Mike and Roberta Straka.  The program begins with Mike’s interactive fossil talk, explaining where and how they find fossils.  He will also show some of the amazing discoveries they have made from the time of the dinosaurs to the time of the ice age.

Following the talk, kids age 5 and older will become junior paleontologists and go on their own dig to build a triceratops.  Roberta will identify bones the diggers discover in the digging pits and help them place the fossils on a triceratops cutout.  Voila!  The workshop participants will be building their own dinosaurs!

The Strakas are also bringing along some of their rare and unusual fossils for display.  All members of the audience, regardless of age, can enjoy looking at the fossil museum after the show.  **  Please note that the dig workshop can only accommodate 50 participants.  Get to the theater early if you want to be part of the dig.  The first fifty to arrive and sign up will get to build a dinosaur.

This program promises to be both informative and lots of fun.  It is also the grand finale of the library’s summer reading program.  Recognition will be given before the performance to all who completed the Summer Reading Challenge.  This program was made possible by a grant from the BOOKS program and Senator Fred Akshar.

Mark your calendar for Thursday, August 17th at 6:30 p.m.  Come one and all for a roaring good time!  (Did we mention that it’s free?)  If you have any questions, please call the library at 467-2577.

Be a Dancer for a Day

The time is fast approaching for the summer dance camp sponsored by the library, the BOOKS program, and Senator Fred Akshar.  It will be held on Tuesday, July 18th and Wednesday, July 19th at the State Theater, across from the library on Front Street.  Dancer / choreographer Beth Hesch will hold classes for ages 5-14.  You don’t need dance experience or special clothing or shoes.   All you need is a desire to have fun!

You must register for these classes no later than Friday, July 14th.  If you’re interested, call the library at 467-2577 or stop by during open hours.  It’s fun!  It’s free!  Join us next week!

Get Your Vacation Reading at the Library

Vacation time is the perfect time to relax with a good book.  The library is the place to go to find your summer reading.  We have so many options.  Use your library card to borrow a book.  You can keep it for three weeks.  Have a long road trip ahead?  Borrow a book on CD.  Keep it for three weeks.  If you only want to carry your electronic devices on your trip, check out the Download Zone to see its offerings.  Borrow instead of buying books.  Save your cash for souvenirs!

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